Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Final Update

Time has been moving like molasses the last few weeks. I am ready for Cohen to be here and safe!  We had our final OB appointment yesterday.  Just like two weeks ago, Cohen decided to take a nap during the bpp sonogram. Not good.  After several minutes, Cohen only had 2 out of 8 points.  The lady was pushing and poking him and had me turning on my sides, but to no avail.  Finally, she had me get up and walk around to see if that would wake him up. If it did not, we would be sent to the hospital for further testing.  Ironically, he usually moves a ton.  Especially lately.  So, when he sleeps, he sleeps hard!  So, after returning and unbeknownst to the lady, I gave my whole stomach a good, few jiggles, Cohen woke up and proceeded to pass his test! The newest weight estimate is 7 pounds 13 ounces, although the doctor thinks he might be a little more than that.

We only waited an hour to see the doctor. I will spare you the details, but he decided I will go into the hospital  on Monday night to get ready for Tuesday's induction, barring any different plans on Cohen's part.  We found out last week that due to scheduling conflicts, we wouldn't be able to go in early on Monday the 11th, like we thought.  So, it should be a long week!

We are excited, but I would feel a lot better about everything if Chris hadn't decided to so generously share his cold with me.  I had been successfully avoiding him all week! So, now I find myself in quite a miserable state.  We are just praying it doesn't turn into a sinus infection or strep, like what often happens to me.  It is difficult to tell, since no matter what I get, it starts with a sore throat.  So I am working on my attitude and outlook as things could be much worse.  I can't help but have visions of not being able to hold my own baby because I am such a health hazard.  I will just hope for a plain, quick cold. And hopefully the next time I post, Cohen will be here! It's so hard to believe he is almost here. We are so blessed!


  1. Love you!!! I will definitely be praying about this sickness stuff for both you and Chris. Yuck! And I can't wait to see you again and to meet baby Cohen. I have really been missing Friday night dinners with you and Chris... and can't wait to eventually get to join the THREE of you!!

  2. Yay! It's almost time! Can't wait to see picture of the little guy when he arrives! :) Praying for a speedy recovery over this cold for you.
