Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 9, 2012

15 Month Update

We now officially know why Cohen is bigger than most two-year olds and strangers expect him to talk and interact with them more than he does!  Cohen is 33 1/2 inches tall and in the 97th percentile.  He weighs 27 pounds(75th percentile) and is definitely a work out to carry around.  He is wearing mostly 18-24 month clothes, but has for awhile. I am glad he is healthy and Chris is proud of his tall boy, but I think he is growing way too fast!  His fourth molar finally pushed through, so he has a mostly toothy grin and a really light blonde mop of curly hair.  He is turning into a little boy and a baby no more.
Cohen is quite opinionated and throws the tantrums off and on to show it.  I just lay him down where he can't hurt himself and let him roll and writhe around until he is done. Usually over something very small, like moving him from one place to another.   He will even check to see if I am watching, and if I grant him a sideways glance, he will start groaning and crying again.  Silly kid!  He especially throws a fit if we take him away from his toy mower for anything.  He spends most of his free time mowing our carpet.  It is the first thing he looks for in the morning.  We began hiding it in the closet and he learned to open doors!  He also loves toddler-sized furniture.  He spends a long time situating himself in his little chairs and we are in big trouble if we attempt to sit in them.  Cohen will be across the basement and his antennae is up when we sit down on his stuff. He runs right over and ousts  us immediately by pulling our arm.  He also enjoys sitting in regular chairs now, too. For a few minutes. Then off to the next thing!
Cohen continues to add to his vocabulary. He also understands several commands and heads off to do what we tell him.  He has added a new dance move when he hears his favorite parts of a song.  He raises both his arms and flaps them up and down.  He mostly does this when he thinks we aren't looking.  So adorable!
He continues to love going to the pool, but this is the last week for toddler time.  This week he hasn't been up to it so far.  He hasn't been himself since his 15 month shots. But, we will try tomorrow maybe.  We have noticed he snores lately and is more restless at night.  We are trying to discern if it is allergies or a more serious problem, like his adenoids, that we need to check out.  We pray it is the former. He also wants his pacifier when he sleeps. After all this time, he is now attached to pacifiers! We only have a few months to break the habit.  But they have helped get him to sleep and away from a bottle. Most times we can sneak in at night and grab it from where it has fallen out of his mouth, otherwise if he sees it, he either has to have it or a big meltdown is on the way.
Cohen is so much fun right now.  He is so sweet and gives us many hugs and kisses. He pats my face or Chris's shoulder and starts babbling as if to tell us he loves us. He talks to the dogs and cat like they know what he is saying.  He is even starting to pick up the smallest schnitzels on the ground and take them to the trash to throw away.  He randomly will break in to dance with just the music in his head and continues to laugh when we do or at something we've done.  He loves bath time and loves to play with the TV remote, but as soon as he has turned it off he runs to me to fix it.  Whenever Cohen sees anything out of place, like a mess Tucker has made with Kleenex, he points at it and tells us.  He is such a smart cookie!

And now, here are a handful of our family pictures taken a few months ago:

Saturday, July 14, 2012


Wow. Where to even begin? I assure you my absence from the blogging world is not a reflection of the lack of happenings. Rather, the opposite. Since last time, Cohen turned one, started walking, grew 6 more teeth, babbles up a storm, dances like he knows what he is doing, had his first tantrum in public, had his second haircut, decided he is done with baby food, is somewhat of a regular at Nursery Rhyme Time at the library, enjoyed his second Fourth of July, and went to the pool for the first time. Whew. I am exhausted just typing all that!  Overall, it is amazing to see the daily development Cohen makes. It surprises me as well as scares me how much he knows and understands.  

We have started to kind of get a routine.  Cohen wakes up around 7 and 8 AM, generally and exactly four hours from then he needs a nap.  He eats lunch after his nap and is ready for dinner when we are. He then has a bath, which he is really starting to enjoy, then pajamas, a cereal snack and bedtime by 8 or 9 PM.  He is sleeping through the night more often, but strangely gets into these patterns where he will wake up the exact same time for several days.  I can't figure it out.  Although, it didn't help that our neighbor got a rooster that crowed between 5 and 10 AM every day. We are not out in the country, either! Just no city ordinance against it.  However, it  disappeared a week or two later. I am pretty certain Chris had nothing to do with it... it was lovely, though. Woke me up every day.

So, Cohen's party went well. A lot more work than I imagined.  Cohen was pretty serious during the whole ordeal and eating cake in front of everyone scared him.  He eats it privately just fine. Never would have known that from seeing him!  He received a Cozy Coupe Truck and a tricycle among many other nice gifts.  He loves to push both of those around and sometimes gets on the trike, just to ring the bell though.  We are confident he will enjoy it for its intended purpose, some day.  Here are a few pictures from the celebrations (there are more on facebook from his party):

The next big event happened on May 23rd. Cohen officially walked! We thought he would way before this time, because he had been pulling up on furniture and pushing things for months.  I guess he just wanted to make sure he could do it. He was so proud of himself. He has not slowed down since! I do know where the stage name "toddler" came from now!  Cohen is into everything and thinks the sky is the limit.  He wants to walk by himself everywhere now.  He wandered off in Toys R' Us one day while we were looking for shoes and found this popper push toy. He pulled it off the display and started cruising around with it.  I let him play for awhile, but told him it was time to go and put the toy away.  I couldn't believe he threw himself on the floor and cried like he was hurt.  It was quite an embarrassing scene.  We headed straight for the door.  He has mini versions of these each day, but they are usually short-lived since we ignore him.  Anyway, every day is a work out since we are now "Mr. Independent".

Such a big boy, mowing all by himself.
We have been planning to enroll Cohen in a "Baby & Me" swim class at the Y, but weren't sure how he would respond. Sometimes he is overwhelmed and upset by new people and situations.  As an example, we bought a bath mat for the tub and the new texture freaked the little guy out!  So we decided to buy a little pool to test things out.  He was initially upset and would not sit down.  Finally after getting his bath toys and having Chris join him, he warmed up to it.  We joined the Y recently so Cohen and I would have something to do this summer. He went his first few times this week and he took awhile to get acclimated, but surprised us by wading everywhere (too deep, actually), splashing, clapping, laughing, sliding down the slide, and standing under fountains. He is getting so tan, it is not fair! Actually, I am the fair one and Cohen got Chris' skin. I'm not bitter.  But, we are glad to add some variety and a bit of socializing to Cohen's summer calendar.

He looks the part!

Such a good dad! (He's wearing a suit, I promise!)

Starting to relax

Isn't he adorable?
  Since I missed all the remainder bear pictures, here they are:
41 Weeks

42 Weeks

43 Weeks
44 Weeks

45 Weeks

46 Weeks

47 Weeks

48 Weeks

49 Weeks

50 weeks

51 Weeks

52 Weeks

I don't know if you can tell, but Cohen got increasingly hostile towards the bear near the end.  He was less excited each time and it was more difficult to get a happy picture.  I think he was ready to be done with this weekly ritual. (Sniff, sniff)  Now he is a big boy!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Busy Boy! Part 1

It is difficult to believe Cohen's first birthday is quickly approaching!  It seems like yesterday and yet a lifetime ago that we were putting the finishing touches on the nursery, I was waddling around, and we could hardly wait to meet our little boy!  But now Cohen is at such a fun age.  His emerging personality is amazing to watch each day. We have been able to do so many fun things recently.  Cohen has experienced many firsts as of late; his first haircut, his first Sesame Street Live show, and his first trip to the zoo to name a few. 
First of all, I learned the hard way not to leave Cohen in his crib for even a few minutes if he is at all in a disgruntled/mad mood.  A few weeks ago, I came back only to find him with dark brown flecks speckled around his sheepish grin.  I attempted to stay calm while I searched for the source, fearing it was dried blood somehow.  Luckily and not so luckily, I quickly found teeth marks on the side of his crib.  It really didn't bother me too much, which surprised me.  Maybe motherhood is mellowing me out, yet!  When I told Chris of the matter, he just laughed and said it adds character to the crib.
Anyway, he has only done it once since and he was pretty mad.
February 25th was also a momentous occasion! Cohen had his first haircut.  It was a little sad, but his hair was so long and Cohen was even getting food in there, so we gave in.  Chris held out a little longer than me, but finally caved when I pointed out how it is always in his eyes and we were finding oatmeal and other traces of meals in there.  Cohen was so intrigued by the goings on around him that he sat fairly still on dad's lap.
Before (Completely thrilled)

Snip, snip!

After! (Still thrilled)
We weren't too sure what Cohen would think about Sesame Street Live, but decided to go ahead and buy tickets.  Cohen has seen a little bit of the show, but not much.  We thought in any event it would get him accustomed to crowds and would be a fun family outing.  Unfortunately, Cohen has recently adopted the habit of waking up earlier on the weekends. So by the time we got to the morning show he was tired and ready for a nap.  Cohen was pretty solemn about the whole ordeal. Pretty sure he didn't smile once.  But, I think he was taking it all in and thinking about it.  He even watched quite contently until intermission when we decided to go.  The funny thing is, Chris refuses to pay to park by the arena.  So, of course he called around to see if the shuttles were running and they were.  We were the only ones to ride the bus from the baseball stadium!  So, our bus driver was ready and waiting to take us back to our lone car in the parking lot at intermission and was pleased to call it a day early!
First Bus Ride

Not sure about this!

Cohen's friend is way more excited and Cohen is more interested in his friend!

Hanging with Oscar

We are in the nest


Happiest on the way home

 Next, we went to the zoo on a nice day a few weeks ago.  Chris took off from work early.  Cohen was definitely taking it all in.  At this stage, it is a challenge to point out the far away animals, but he enjoys the close up animals.  His favorite would be the otters, because they came up really close to the glass while he could pound on it.  He also enjoyed the free-walking geese as much as anything! The really neat thing was the bears were down in the water fighting up against the glass. Chris and I were more interested because it was at the very end of our trip and Cohen was ready to go home.  Fortunately, Cohen received a family membership as an early birthday present so we can go back any time!
About to go in

Watching the monkeys

Figuring out the ape

Trying to snag dad's sunglasses

Getting the goose

Excited about the otters

Wrestling bears; close to the action

Check back soon for Part 2!