Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Holidays

I apologize since I have not been very diligent about blogging. However, I hate to waste your time on things that only seem interesting to me even though it is inevitable that this will happen from time to time.  I guess things have also been busy (for me) with the holidays and Chris has been home the last week and I have had to keep him busy with all sorts of projects! 
Christmas was a wonderful time we spent with friends and family.  I was able to go to our Christmas Eve service at church which was nice since I have not been to church in a couple of months.  I am fortunate that we can watch our church's service live online, so that is what I have been doing.  As always, we were more than blessed with gifts from our family.  We received a camcorder and tv stand as well as several other wonderful gifts.  Chris was fairly successful this year in giving me a water pik water flosser (I am so excited about this-I know I am a nerd!), the fourth season of Felicity ( Forget hints, I have been outright asking for this one for months!), clothes, and the Eclipse dvd.  I kind of put all my eggs in one basket this year and purchased the Nook and accessories for Chris.  He says he loves it!  Also, baby boy received many if not more gifts than we did.  We look forward to next year when he will be here to celebrate with us!
We ended up spending New Year's evening at home, watching a movie and drinking hot cocoa with snowman marshmallow Peeps.  We watched the ball drop at 11, so I guess Chris was ready to go to bed.  I tried to get him to watch an episode of the aforementioned Felicity since I wasn't tired, but he was snoring a few minutes in.  I reluctantly went to bed, but then at the real midnight, several neighbors set off fireworks and if that wasn't disruptive enough, our dogs woke up and weaseled their way into our bed.  So much for going to sleep before the New Year!
On another note, our last appointment went well.  Baby is doing well and growing like crazy! He is also making his presence known with little kicks, punches and nudges here and there.  It is the strangest feeling but I am so glad to have tangible proof he is in there! I am cherishing all of it even if his acrobatics are keeping me awake. We accomplished one of my goals over Chris' vacation.  He pushed me around the store in a wheelchair while we registered.  I thought we were fairly well-prepared since we had been researching products and what-not for a few months, but nothing can prepare you for that!  How do you focus and choose among aisles and aisles and several brands of items you need for sure, things you will never open, and products that could make your life easier if you know what you are doing?  Add that to the fact that only some brands get good reviews. Plus, the thing that really flusters me is that I would really like things to match. However, some of the things that match may not have the features you want or good ratings!  So, we finished.  I need to update and work on our registry, but hopefully the hodge podge of items are all the things we will need. 
I guess I will go since Chris is letting me watch 48 Hours Mystery instead of the Washington/Pittsburgh hockey game that has been on the last couple of hours!

1 comment:

  1. Jacque I am enjoying your blog.

    The baby moving.....that is one of those things that cannot be described and understood. It has to be experienced. Somehow it always seems unfair that the daddy can't feel that awesomeness! I hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes smoothly and I am keeping you guys in my prayers.

